2 Healing Podcasts to Clear Negative Energy from Your Body

Photo by JoelValve on Unsplash (cropped original image)

Life throws us curveballs. When we’re resilient, it’s easy to bounce back. But over time, when we encounter fear, trauma, criticism, pain, hurt, grief, and shame, it can become harder to let go of the emotions. These negative emotions can become embedded in our bodies.

Readers often asked me,”How do I clear negative emotions from my body for something that has happened in the past?”

It’s so important to clear these emotions because they affect the flow of qi, the life force energy in our bodies. We hold the emotions inside our bodies and this creates an “Achilles’ heel”—a vulnerable area in our bodies—because the qi in the area is constricted. Qi helps propel the flow of blood, lymph, air, digestion, and many of the processes in our bodies. As a result, when qi is blocked, this affects the physical body.

Our bodies are resilient, so we don’t notice these constrictions when everything is going well, or when we’re younger and feeling strong. But when we encounter a curveball, or as we get older, these accumulated negative emotions that block the flow of qi can create physical issues in the body.

When you clear the negative emotions and energy, you help free the qi in your body. And when qi is flowing smoothly and abundantly, this supports your body’s natural healing process.

Below, you’ll find two powerful podcast episodes that specifically address negative emotions held inside the body. Tune in to these three podcasts to release negative emotions, clear the constrictions, and free your qi.

027:) Letting Go of Resentment

This episode is particularly freeing if you’re holding on to resentment. There’s a saying attributed to Buddha, “Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.”

In this episode, you’ll experience a powerful realization that will enable you to let go of old resentments. We’ll drop into the Dragon Spirit space to uncover the real root of resentment. This eye-opening realization will transform every relationship in your life, including the most important one: your relationship with yourself.

Strip away the negativity that weighs you down so that you feel empowered and in control of your destiny.

025:) Healing Generations of Trauma at the Energy Level – How to Clear and Release Inherited Suffering That Holds You Back from Fully Expressing Your Brilliance

Do you ever have feelings that don’t make sense? Logically, there’s no reason to feel the fear/anxiety/stress. You can’t figure out why you’re feeling it, how to get rid of it, or how to stop it from holding you back in life.

What if it’s not your emotion, but one that you inherited at a cellular level?

In this episode, we’ll enter the Dragon Spirit space to release negative energy that’s been following your family lineage for generations, and holding you back from fully expressing your brilliance.

Want to Listen to More Episodes?

New episodes are released every Monday morning. You can find every episode of Holly Tse: Express Your Brilliance with Ease and Flow on my podcast website, HollyTse.com. You’ll also find every episode on iTunes. Check Apple’s Podcasts app on your iPhone or iPad, and search for “Holly Tse”.

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