44:) Asking the Universe for Help? Here’s How to Receive Guidance

Photo by Ganapathy Kumar on Unsplash

People often ask me, “How do you ask the Universe for help?” or “How do you recognize signs from the Universe?”

When life isn’t going the way we want, that doesn’t mean that we’re not in alignment or that we’re not following our soul’s calling. Understand that life is a cycle, and it goes through phases like the waxing and waning of yin and yang.

There will be times when life is amazing and manifesting exactly the way we want. But there will also be times when life throws us curveballs. The important thing is how we deal with the dark periods. It’s not about hiding or avoiding the negativity. It’s about how we rise about it.

How do we manage these challenging periods with grace and ease?

Fortunately, you have the greatest super power available to you. When things are stressful or the situation is causing you to feel sad, anger, dread, shame—all of those negative emotions—you can ask the Universe for support.

When people start on a spiritual path, there’s a mistaken belief that everything will always be roses, unicorns and rainbows. There’s a feeling like you have to push aside the negativity and be happy all the time. This is a myth.

However, when you’re going through periods and life isn’t all roses, rainbows and unicorns, you can access your super power to help you through it. But this super power is not one that people possess.

You don’t own it because the super POWER is the Universe. The Universe is always there to help you. The tricky thing is that when you’re feeling down, your vibration is lower and it’s harder to hear the messages from the Universe. It’s like having mismatched frequencies on a radio dial. There’s a lot of static, which makes it hard to hear the music.

So how do you hear the Universe’s whispers when you’re consumed with grief, drowning in overwhelm, raging with anger, or totally stressed out?

Know that even in these periods of darkness, you CAN still hear the Universe. The Universe finds a way to you like water flowing through rocks. But you can help it along by adjusting your radio dial. The way to do this is to go neutral as best as you can.

While you can step yourself up through different emotional levels to get to neutral, one of the fastest and easiest ways to go neutral is to connect with your Dragon Spirit. This Dragon Spirit connection enables you to calm your mind and settle your emotions enough so that you can hear the guidance from the Universe.

Guidance from the Universe comes through as a thought. You can tell it’s the Universe versus the monkey mind because the thought comes unbidden. And when it arrives, it arrives with a very neutral feeling. The thought doesn’t fill you with fear or dread. There isn’t a strong emotional charge when the thought pops into your mind. That’s how you know it’s the Universe communicating with you.

One of the best and easiest ways to connect with your Dragon Spirit is to enter the Dragon Spirit space. In this week’s podcast, you’ll be guided into the Dragon Spirit space to ask the Universe for help. You’ll also receive a simple technique to feel calmer and more centered right away so that you can hear the Universe’s guidance.

Tune in to this week’s podcast for positive energy and vibes to help you through whatever situation you’re facing right now.

Lots of Love and Light,